Ayurvedic Treatment for Fertility

The debilitating condition of infertility can ruin a person’s life. As per a recent statistical research of marriages breaking up, the sole reason that a personal relationship or marriage failed was due to infertility. A healthy male needs around 20 million sperms to penetrate the ovulation egg and fertilize it. Sperm count is a very vital aspect in every male’s life which depends upon the health of an individual. But due to today’s hectic lifestyle and bad eating habits many a times it happens that a person’s sperm count becomes so low that his ability to reproduce a child becomes very less. Most of the times infertility occurs due to immotile sperms and an unhealthy lifestyle, bad vices such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption and a nutrient devoid diet can wreak havoc with the male reproductive system. These factors can even affect the physiological structure of sperm making it weak and less motile that eventually leads to infertility. There are myriad options in the market today in the form of synthetic medications which claim to treat infertility. However most of these treatments either do not work or can cause undesirable side effects. Hence more and more people try and adopt a natural approach to treat this embarrassing condition and what better way than resorting to Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient science form practiced from more than 4000 years ago and has a solution to practically all forms of illness. A combination of certain Ayurvedic herbs can not only help increase your sperm count but also help improve the overall physiological structure of sperms.

Tribulus Terrestris(Gokshuru): This is one powerful herb that increases the production of hormone testosterone in males. Apart from helping in increasing sports performance, gokshura is loaded with saponins which help in increasing low sexual libido, cure erectile dysfunction and also improve sperm motility which in turn improves the fertility levels in males.

Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha): This medicinal herb which is ayurveda’s biggest discovery is a potentially strong herb with unbelievable medicinal value. It helps the body develop vigor and vitality and is also known to improve the physiological structure and motility of sperms, thereby making it more fertile.

Ipomoea Digitata (Vidarikand): This is another famous ayurvedic herb used since the olden days for treating various reproductive disorders and urinary tract disorders. As per ayurvedic texts this herb was also referred to as rasayana, a complete rejuvenator as it helps in the production of semen in males and even helps cure lactation issues in females.

Asperagus Adscendens (Safed Musli): This powerful herb with immense medicinal properties was used as an overall health tonic for increasing vitality in males since the ancient times. Being a storehouse of various anti oxidants and anti inflammatory agents it is a natural aphrodisiac which enhances male potency and increases sperm count.

Asperagus Racemosus ( Shatavari): Shatavari is another famous ayurvedic herb known for its aphrodisiac properties. It is also known to increase sperm health and enhance sperm production.

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