Ayurvedic skin care routine uses natural substances and tried-and-true methods to nourish your skin

Ayurvedic Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin and Tips

The traditional Indian medical system of Ayurveda provides a comprehensive approach to wellness, which includes skincare. An Ayurvedic skin care routine uses natural substances and tried-and-true methods to nourish your skin from the inside out, in contrast to contemporary skincare regimens that frequently rely on chemical items. To create beautiful, glowing skin, it balances the body, mind, and soul. We will go deeply into creating an efficient Ayurvedic skin care routine in this detailed guide, which includes daily maintenance advice, Ayurvedic skin treatments, and treatment plans designed for oily skin types. Let’s start by learning the fundamental ideas of Ayurvedic skincare.

Understanding Ayurvedic Products

Beauty is seen by Ayurveda as a reflection of general well-being. To support good skin, it highlights the need to balance the three doshas—Pitta, Kapha, and Vata. Dryness, acne, and pigmentation are common skin issues that result from an imbalance of these doshas.

 1. Vata: Skin is usually dry and sensitive in those with a prominent Vata dosha. Moisturising and nourishing the skin should be the main goals of their skincare routine.

 2. Pitta: Skin that is Pitta dominant frequently exhibits redness, irritation, and sensitivity. These skin types respond well to cooling and calming treatments.

3. Kapha: The Kapha dosha is defined by oily and sticky skin. They have to include purification and exfoliation into their skincare routine.

You can keep your skin balanced and healthy by matching your skincare routine to your primary dosha.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin: The Basics of Nourishment and Healing

Herbs, oils, and minerals that are naturally healing and nurturing are the main ingredients used in Ayurvedic skin care treatments. Instead of providing short-term solutions, these therapies aim at fixing the underlying cause of the issue. You may add these powerful Ayurvedic skin treatments into your everyday routine.

1. Abhyanga (oil self-massage)

Abhyanga is the practice of massaging warmed oils into the skin, usually right before taking a bath. Deep nourishment, skin detoxification, and improved blood circulation are all benefits of this therapy. The oils you select should vary based on your dosha:

1. Vata: To hydrate dry skin, use almond or sesame oil.

2. Pitta: To reduce inflammation, use warm oils like coconut or olive oil.

3. Kapha: Mustard or jojoba oil helps to regulate excess oil and cleanse the skin.

2. Ubtan (Herbal Body Scrub)

Sandalwood powder, chickpea flour, turmeric, and other herbs are combined in the traditional Ayurvedic treatment known as ubtan. By removing dead skin cells and clearing pores of dirt, this natural exfoliator helps bring back the glow of your skin. As a cleansing and oil-absorbing agent, ubertan is especially helpful for oily skin types in Ayurvedic skin care routines.

3. Mukhalepam (Herbal Face Mask)

Aloe vera, neem, and turmeric are some of the herbs used to make the calming face mask known as mukhalepam. It is well renowned for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and skin-brightening qualities. This treatment deeply cleanses and rejuvenates the skin, making it excellent for acne-prone and sensitive skin.

4. Kumkumadi Oil

One of the most highly regarded Ayurvedic formulations for radiant skin is kumkumadi oil. Formulated with saffron and other botanicals, it relieves dullness, fine wrinkles, and discolouration. Kumkumadi oil can help your skin seem younger and improve its feel when used regularly.

Ayurvedic Tips for Glowing Skin

Many people want to have radiant, glowing skin. Ayurveda, with its complete approach, provides possible, natural methods to attain a glowing complexion. These are some long-term, Ayurvedic recommendations for bright skin that you can implement into your daily routine.

1. Use Aloe Vera Juice to Hydrate

Aloe vera is a plant that works wonders for skin health. Aloe vera juice keeps the skin nourished and bright while also detoxifying the body. In order to reduce inflammation and moisturise the skin, you can also apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to the skin.

2. Take Turmeric Every Day

Strong protective and anti-inflammatory qualities make turmeric an essential part of Ayurvedic treatment. Teeth can be improved from the inside out by include turmeric in meals or as a tea. Additionally, dull skin and pigmentation can be greatly improved by using a turmeric face mask.

3. Use Rose Water

Since ancient times, rose water has been used to tone and moisturise skin. It works very well for Pitta dosha balance. Rose water can be sprayed on your face to provide natural brightness, reduce inflammation, and keep your skin nourished.

4. Eat fruits and vegetables in seasonality

A healthy diet is essential to having glowing skin. Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables that suit your dosha is advised by Ayurveda.

1. Vata: Choose foods that are warm and moist, such as cooked veggies and soups.

2. Pitta: Eat relaxing foods such as melons, cucumbers, and leafy greens.

3. Kapha : Add dry, light foods such as cruciferous veggies apples, and pears.

Ayurvedic Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

You might have problems with shine, plugged pores, and acne if you have oily skin. By keeping your skin clear and managing your excess Kapha dosha, Ayurvedic skincare can help you control oily skin. Here’s a perfect Ayurvedic skin care routine for oily skin:

1. Applying Tulsi and Neem for cleaning

Herbs having strong antibacterial qualities include neem and tulsi. Using a face cleanser with neem and Tulsi helps get rid of extra oil and debris, which lowers your risk of acne and outbreaks. The skin is deeply detoxified and purified from the inside out using this cleanser.

2. Use turmeric and sandalwood to scrub

Dead cells and debris tend to collect quickly on oily skin. Using a mixture of sandalwood and turmeric as an exfoliant two to three times a week will help clear up blocked pores, avoid breakouts, and brighten your skin. Sandalwood regulates oil production, while turmeric aids in the reduction of inflammation.

3. Use tea tree oil and aloe vera to moisturise

Moisturise, especially the most oily skin. Aloe vera gel blended with a few drops of tea tree oil makes a lightweight moisturizer that won’t block pores. Aloe vera moisturises the skin, and tea tree oil fights microorganisms to keep your skin clear and acne-free.

Ayurvedic Daily Skin Care Routine

Maintaining healthy, glowing skin requires a daily skincare routine. In Ayurveda, routine balance and constancy are highly valued. Here is a daily Ayurvedic skin care routine you can use to maintain balanced, glowing skin:

Morning Routine:

1. Cleaning: Use a gentle herbal cleanser that is suitable for your dosha to start your day by washing your face. Vata types are better off using a moisturising cleanser, Pitta types a soothing one, and Kapha types a deep-cleaning one.

2. Toning: Use rose water to adjust the pH of your skin after cleansing.

3. Moisturising: According to your skin type, use an Ayurvedic moisturiser. Lightweight gels like aloe vera work well for oily skin, and rich, nourishing creams work well for Vata skin.

4. Sunscreen: Use a natural sunscreen that protects your skin from the sun by using components like coconut oil and zinc oxide to protect it.

Evening Routine:

  1. Oil Removal: Cleansing oils are useful for getting rid of extra oil, debris, and makeup. Vata responds favourably to sesame oil, Pitta is cooled by coconut oil, and Kapha is balanced by jojoba oil.

2. Scrub (2-3 times a week)

To maintain your skin clear and smooth, scrub dead skin cells with an Ayurvedic scrub like ubtan.

3. Oil or Night Mask

To restore your skin overnight, apply Kumkumadi oil or make an overnight mask with saffron, sandalwood, and turmeric.

Which is the Best Skin Care Routine?

Personalised skincare routines based on your skin type and dosha are the best. In contrast to modern skincare, which promotes one-size-fits-all solutions, Ayurveda encourages a more customised approach that takes your body’s constitution, diet, and lifestyle into care. Your skin can become healthy and bright if you keep to Ayurvedic principles regularly.

It’s essential to focus on moisturising treatments and nourishing oils if you have dry skin. Cleaning procedures like Ubtans and clay masks are healthier for skin that is oily or prone to acne. Herbs that reduce inflammation, such as sandalwood and turmeric, are great options for sensitive skin.

Here’s an explanation summary:

1. For Dry Skin:- Choose moisturising treatments, moisturising masks, and nourishing oils.

2. For Oily Skin: Use purifying cleansers, exfoliating scrubs, and oil-absorbing masks.

3. For Sensitive Skin: Sandalwood, neem, and turmeric are excellent examples of mild, anti-inflammatory plants.


Natural, plant-based substances including herbs, roots, flowers, and oils are the basis of Ayurvedic skin care products, which have been used for ages to support healthy skin. These solutions are perfect for long-term usage without the risk of negative effects because they are devoid of dangerous chemicals and artificial additives. Strongly healing, anti-inflammatory, and nourishing, Ayurvedic elements like turmeric, neem, sandalwood, aloe vera, and saffron combine to enhance the skin’s overall tone, texture, and glow.

FAQ on Ayurvedic  Skin Care  Tips & Routine

1. Can I follow an Ayurvedic skin care routine if I have oily skin?

In fact, Ayurveda has special recommendations for those with oily, Kapha-dominant skin types. An Ayurvedic skin care routine for oily skin aims to balance the production of excess oil by using masks made of clay, sandalwood, and neem, which are purifying substances. Skin balance can be maintained with regular use of herbal washing formulas and the addition of light, cooling oils such as safflower or jojoba.

2. How often should I follow my Ayurvedic skin care routine?

In Ayurveda, consistency is important. An Ayurvedic skin care routine should be performed every day in the morning and evening. It consists of mild washing, toning, moisturising, and applying targeted treatments like masks or oils. You can make changes based on the season or the demands of your skin currently.

3. What are some Ayurvedic tips for glowing skin?

  1. Stay hydrated: To get rid of pollutants, drink herbal teas or warm water.

2. Use facial oils:Almond oil and Kumkumadi oil are examples of Ayurvedic oils that moisturise and nourish the skin, bringing out its true beauty.

3. Eat a balanced diet:To support skin health from the inside out, include fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs like ginger and turmeric in your diet.

4. Exfoliate with natural scrubs: To get rid of dead skin cells and improve circulation, use mild exfoliants such chickpea flour (besan).

4. What are the benefits of using Ayurvedic skin care products?

  1. Natural ingredients:Free from toxic substances, they nourish the skin with clean, plant-based nutrients.

2. Long-term results:Ayurveda promotes skin health and slow healing, which increases the durability of the results.

5 . Can I use Ayurvedic skin care products with my current skincare routine?

Yes, most skincare systems may easily use Ayurvedic skin care products because they are typically gentle and natural. If you would like to gently transition to an Ayurvedic treatment, you might begin by adding an Ayurvedic oil, cleanser, or mask to your current routine. It’s important to make sure the products work well together and don’t irritate.

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